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如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告图片-如何获取免费世界动物 ...:阿里云为大家提供海量如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告正版图片,如果您需要如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告图片素材可伍来阿里云正版图片搜索如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告,查找和如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告相关的图片素材;阿里云图片素材库中所有如何获取免费世界动物日平面 ...
Hi, I’m Leslie Josel & I started Order Out of Chaos (OOOC) when my son Eli was 5 years old and newly diagnosed with ADHD. Only having my gut and instincts to help untangle his world, I always wished I had someone to answer my questions. Guide me to solutions. A community to reassure me I was on the right track. And I’m thinking if that was missing for me 15 years ago, then that might be missing for you now. That’s where OOOC comes in.
We Get You. ADHD or not. Mainstream or Learning Differences. Quiet or Explosive. Elementary or High School. Disorganized or No Time Sense. It doesn’t matter. We’ve been down those roads and seen it all. Both personally and professionally. Here at Order Out of Chaos, you’ll find a wide variety of resources curated by an award-winning expert and used by thousands of parents & their students aimed to improve the well-being of those you love most — and yourself too!
Raising Problem Solvers: 10 Questions Every Parent Needs to Ask Their Child
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Click here for the latest and greatest products, supplies, resources and more that our founder, Leslie, is currently loving!
Check back here every Tuesday to get the A’s to your Q’s in Leslie’s “Dear ADHD Family Coach” weekly column for ADDitude Magazine.
如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告图片-如何获取免费世界动物 ...:阿里云为大家提供海量如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告正版图片,如果您需要如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告图片素材可伍来阿里云正版图片搜索如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告,查找和如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告相关的图片素材;阿里云图片素材库中所有如何获取免费世界动物日平面 ...You are not alone!
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2023-2021 Academic Planner: A Tool For Time Management®
銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ... My daughter and I were reflecting on all the changes that we are grateful to you for: all the new furniture and storage ideas that will keep us organized, replacing the closet doors, so we can see what is inside (brilliant!), granola bars, beef jerky, and I’ve stopped nagging her to read. We thank you so much!”
Andrea P.
“Thank you for helping me feel less alone in my efforts to help my son! I am watching all the daily videos I have received and reading through the first chapter of your book. My clean out of his room went better than expected. He responded that he felt older and more responsible with a clean environment and he didn’t complain about my having moved some of his ‘hoarded’ belongings to a clear bin the garage.”
Priscilla F.
“My son has ADD and was put on academic probation in his freshman year of college. His pediatrician recommended Leslie’s organizing and coaching services. Her practical knowledge of the needs of students with ADD has helped him wrap his arms around his rigorous course load, manage his time, organize tasks and teach him new study habits. Within one semester, my son was off academic probation and achieved his highest GPA so far!”
Cheryl C.
“Your talk really got me thinking about the ‘heavy lifting’ in my house. Mostly to avoid conflict, I am THAT mom who gives directions, lays out plans and basically does whatever else will make the train run on time. By parenting to avoid conflict with my son I am also letting him go through life without building his brain muscle. I’m really looking forward to putting your strategies to work!”
Heather H.
“I am a mom with 2 students at home. My son and I both have ADHD and my ADHD doctor recommended your planner to help me keep our lives and schedules in order. This planner is awesome because it helps me schedule my day around my kids routines and make my ‘to do’ list more efficiently. I've only been using the planner for 3 months and it has helped bring order out of chaos in our home.”
Elizabeth S.
“Everything I have done with OOOC has just been the best; from product recommendations to webinars to Leslie’s personal coaching. Excited my son is at a place where he too sees how OOOC can support him!”